#3: Talking Business and Politics with Jimmy McLoughlin

At their core, both business and politics want to bring value to their customers whether it’s consumers or the public. So keeping the government up to date about new innovations and the effects of policy change on the economy is essential in delivering good public service. In this episode we’re joined by Jimmy McLoughlin, who was a special advisor on technology and entrepreneurship to the Prime Minister, and is now the host of a podcast focusing on jobs of the future. We talk about Jimmy’s career and experiences in Downing Street, the effects of Brexit on British businesses and entrepreneurship, and of course, his podcast Jimmy’s Jobs of the Future.
The Comms Takeaways
Clarity of thought. Take a step back to make sure you understand your audience, the specific platform you’re using to convey your message, and whether your message is saying what you want it to. Talking to people about your message can give you a different perspective which you might not have thought about.
Critical thinking. Try to understand other points of view (even if you don’t agree with them) and why those arguments might resonate with an audience. After all everyone has the right to an opinion.